Best Mobile Phone Game

User Rating: 9 | Ratchet & Clank: Going Mobile MOBI
Sure it's fun to whip out your cell phone and play a little Tetris but let's face it besides the ports/versions of puzzle games like Tetris but there's no actual original mobile phone games out there....until now.The only bad thing about this game is the music and controls.The music,you don't ever notice,which is good but at the same time it's bad.The controls are good,if not for the fact that the jumping is "werid",but the game it self looks pretty goodand plays like a great 2D game.The game doesn't take it self too serious.The bosses are so-so.The story is also good for a mobile phone game and the game it self is just plain fun and old school.Get this game on your mobile phone,NOW.It captures all the fun of the PS2 games and puts it onto your cell.This game is a good old school 2D side-scrolling shooting adventure game.