Awsome game, to short and easy.

User Rating: 7.6 | Ratchet & Clank: Size Matters PSP
When i bought this game i enjoyed it alot, the graphics are stunning, I loved upgrading weapons, costume sets. i couldn't put this game down it was so fun, it was very shocking how well it was made.

The mini games are fun, excited and something just completely different to the rest of the game.
I especially liked the Giant clank mission where you fly through space and shoot multiple ships, after a while of shooing hundreds of ships you fight a boss who is quite challenging.
So check out the Mini games.

I played through the game hoping it would never end but unfortunately after about 10 solid hours of playing I found myself on the last boss, which was very surprising,as I thought Otto (the last boss) was going to be a hard challenge as Luna the boss was fairly difficult compared to the rest i did before, i went in the with a fully leveled electro rocket and shield, after about 10 minutes he was dead and i completed the game. This game was a very fun experience but is far to short with In my oppinion hardly no replay value. Once you've beaten Otto you can replay the game in Challenge mode, which is harder than normal, also you can buy a new weapon called the Ryno which is mega powerfull easiest the best weapon in the game, and you can buy Titan weapons of the weapons you have fully leveled, they are much more powerful.

overall Ratchet and Clank: Size Matters is a very good game,
but if you want a long chalenging game this game may not be for you because if you rush through this game you will complete it in a day like i did.