A great single player game, that lacks lasting value.

User Rating: 7.8 | Ratchet & Clank: Size Matters PSP
Rachet and clank size matters is a game that takes place in a colourful world filled with interesting characters. Rachet is the main hero of this story. He has several abilities that you can use throughout the game. Most of these abilities are simple, and are easy to use. Some of them will only be used a few times throughout the game. Its odd how in the training mode, they teach you some moves that you only use once in the entire game. The weapons in this game are great. they are upgradable, and you can add new mods to them, which act like abilities. You can buy mods like double barrels, lock ons, and many more. There are many many guns and weapons to choose from. Unfortunately, about 95% of all weapons are close range weapons, and thats where the game flaws become apparent. If you are close to a wall, or a group of enemies, the camera goes a litle crazy. For the most part the camera works well. You can use the L and R buttons to move the camera. It works fine. I makes up for the lack of second analog stick nicely. The game is really short. Maybe 5 and a half to seven hours depending how fast you are. The game lacks lasting value. T be honest, the mulitplayer smells. It is extremely difficult to start up a game. Everytime i click random game, it sets me up with a game, and tells me its too full. Then i try to do it manually, and i lose the connection tot he host. When I finally get into the game, its not fun at all. The weapons are close range, so i have to walk right up to the guys face to shoot. Its just not that much fun. The graphics in this game are really good. The cutscenes are pre rendered, and look nice. Although i did notice that sometimes the cutscenes can cut out sometimes. The in game graphics are really good. There is little slowdown, and the characters are detailed. But howcome Rachet wears armor, but in the cutscenes, hes not wearing any armor?!?!?! The sound is terrible, I have to say. Its the same music in every level!!! its on a loop!!! Anyways, i will finish up by saying that this is a really fun game if you dont plan on buying it for the online multiplayer. Its kind of short, but its alot of fun. I just think that another couple of levels, and some more engaging multiplayer would have been great.