Third in the series. Not only going strong, but getting stronger!

User Rating: 9.1 | Ratchet & Clank 3 (Platinum) PS2
Fantastic. This game is positively addicting and loads of fun. Constant improvements over 1 & 2. Weapons; The weapons are well balanced, enjoyable to use, and fun to upgrade with a great selection available. As in R&C2, you can also carry weapons over from the previous game for free! There's a nice upgrading system for the weapons as well, which gets you excited about using them. Levels; As always well laid out. The absence of the glider levels and hover bike races found in #2 is welcome, however I do miss the space combat missions. They did introduce a new variety tid-bit with the side scrolling Captain Quark missions. An enjoyable distraction to the main game. I also found that searching for sewer crystals far more bearable then the crystal searching in R&C2. Although I faced some challenges along the way which I wished were a little more forgiving, the difficulty level is quite suited to even a casual gamer like myself. Insomniac also introduced a new way to play side missions, with a variety of goals and mission types. The gladiator games are a definite blast as well. And although the side missions and gladiator games are optional, you do not want to pass up all the fun! Story; I usually don't give too much concern to story in games. I'm more interested in getting back to the action. But this story is entertaining, and the cut scenes don't bore me to death. They keep the pace going without wasting too much time on seg-ways. Insomniac also brings some of their classic humour to the game. It's not often that a game will actually make me laugh out loud.

Controls; As tight and responsive as always. They also improved your quick select option, making it easier to access your weapons and gadgets.

Despite a few of the more challenging areas that got some steam blowing, this game is incredibly fun, and definitely the most worth while of the Ratchet and Clank Series.