An awsome game that gets better with every sequel.

User Rating: 9.6 | Ratchet & Clank 3 (Platinum) PS2
Gameplay-What can say? Perfection. I didn't know blowing $#!& up could be so much fun. The selection of weapons and gadgets adds to the fun, and you beef your weapons up by constantly using them so don't hesitate to use all of them. And one of the new features is the online play, so now you can kick @$$ around the world! 10/10

Graphics-Great graphics. Shooting stuff isn't just a great gameplay expeirence, it's beautiful to watch! Much better than the previous two games. 10/10

Sound-Great voiceovers, great explosions, great sound! 9/10!

Overall-One of the best shooters ever!!! If you have a playstation and are looking for a good game, this is for you!
