Great game, faced paced, online rocks, lots of weapons, cool upgrades, but it doesn't feel as fun as the other ones...

User Rating: 9.4 | Ratchet & Clank 3 (Platinum) PS2
I got this game about a week after it came out and I was impressed with it, it came out quickly and was cheap, and fun. I had lots of fun playing around with all of the weapon and gadgets. They added lots of new things but took away some of the things that made it different then normal platformers. The entire game, (in one way or another) was run and gun. Thats not neccaciraly a bad thing, but in the other 2 Ratchet and Clanks there were races and hang gliding, and lots of fun mini games. This game had none, either because they were rushed or just didn't want to put them in. You could "trick out" your ship but to what end, it didn't improve the turning weapons or sheilds, that feature was a waste of bolts. But one of the cooler things was the Trpohy system, it gave you a bigger feeling of reward then looking at something and seeing you beat everything, (like the battle arena.) Also the game script was very funny and it brought back many of the charecters from the original Ratchet and Clank. Plus they made fun of Britney Spears. Over all this game was fun, funny, action packed, and it featured online mode. This game is a great buy and if you like Platformers or if you are new to them I recomend this game it is easy to play, and gives you multiple control configurations to fit your gamong needs.