what's this man, quite exaggerated, i think. howeva, funny

User Rating: 8 | Ratchet & Clank 3 (Platinum) PS2
whatz this, i mean, this is 2 exaggerated, too drastically done... until ratchet and clank 2 was ok, then they started putting inmensive weapons, which gives ya no direct action when u use your character, they should learn from jak 3, a perfect game... howeva, i have 2 admit that it has its good parts, graphics and tradition, nobody should forget ratchets 1 and 2, great both of them, i dont know how well developed is the 4th one (deadlocked), hope its better than this...
Thatz it.
jak rocks, man
jak rocks, man
jak rocks, man
jak rocks, man
jak rocks, man
jak rocks, man
jak rocks, man
jak rocks, man