Simple firing system, great controls, and mind-blowing weapons make UYA a game that you cannot miss out on.
User Rating: 10 | Ratchet & Clank 3 (Platinum) PS2
The game starts out with Ratchets home planet being attacked by aliens. From the moment you arrive on the planet you start blasting creatures away with a few different types of guns. After you get acquainted with gameplay, the game opens up to many more worlds and weapons. You get sent on a bunch of crazy, suicide missions by Captain Quark, the greatest Superhero in the world. Minigames, flying and turret segments, and sections where you have to play as Clank add some variety. Also has some great multiplayer. This game has everything a shooter should have and much, much more: sweet weapons, a ton of baddies, humor, and variety. You'll be hard-pressed to find any flaws in this game. The graphics aren't going to impress you, but that doesn't diminish the experience in the least. This game will keep busy for months with you never getting bored. If you want to really enjoy life to its fullest, then definitely pick this game up.