R&C Review #3 The third game's single player is a little to close to Insomniac's books, but the multiplayer is go
Story: This time, the heroes return to the Polaris galaxy after seeing it being attacked. Dr. Nefarious is the bad hombre this time around, and he's attempting to turn every organism into robots. The heroes have the help of the president's daughter this time around, along with the help of the now baked Captain Qwark. Ratchet must play these Captain Qwark game to make him remember how to beat Dr. Nefarious. The games are actually quite fun. Also, Not to Ratchet's knowledge, an evil clone of Clank named "Clink" has assumed the role of Clank, feeding info to Dr. Nefarious.
Gameplay: This takes the franchise in a slightly different direction. The use of entrenchement and cover is somewhat Call of Duty like. Nonetheless, its a fun game that sticks to its roots.
Bottom Line: A stellar addidtion to the PS2