
User Rating: 9.7 | Ratchet & Clank 3 (Platinum) PS2
Now, i loosely use the term WOW in the review deck, but with this game, i am going to have to change my style a little bit in order to review this game. Not a lot though, lol. But yeah, this game puts a mausberg pump to both Going Commando and the original's forehead and blows their brains splat over the entire interface. EVEN BETTER THAN before, now you actually want another sequel with it. The Gameplay in this game is same as before, except this time, you get a WHOLE NEW slew of interchangeable weapons to toy around with, within the enviroments in the game. The weapons go KA-BOOM even more so now. Graphics are the best i've seen in this series, these graphics are not to be messed with, at any costs. Audio is just excellent, all the locales in the game crash with intensity, the voice overs are just excellent, the sound when just jumping to another platform is FRIGGIN AWESOME!!!!!!!! Value of this game is pretty high, since you can go back in a level with a lot of bolts in it, and get some more when you really need them in order to buy upgrades for your weapons. You also get an armor dispenser this time, which is friggin awesome. You can buy different levels of armor at different times of the game, and they all affect the way that you take damage in the game. There is now online play, which i haven't had the pleasure of going through and beastin, but i will in the future though. Reviewer's Tilt, if you want an excellent game with all of the above that i just mentioned, and if you got a trigger finger, then you are willing and able to play this game.