Let´s play classic Ratchet and Clank.
Ratchet & Clank 1:
There´s everything beggin. When i started, i was little confused, because i wait another Spyro "like" game, but there is guns(and i mean lot of guns), buying stuff for bolts and you got everytime some different way to go. When i talking about guns there´s lots of guns, and there´s great guns like fast shooting gun and some bad guns. Graphic is very good, is cheerfull, there´s lots of colour and it´s good to watch it. Characters is awesome i totally love Ratchet and Clank jokes, and story is way best from others. Ratchet and Clank is great game, i really love it. There´s some glitches and it´s pretty hard, but is highly addictive. 75%.
Ratchet & Clank 2:
So when i finished first game i emidietly start this. It´s slightly different. There´s new gedgets and there´s little RPG system. Yep. You hear it. It´s very easy but it´s pretty nice see this thing. Graphic is even better then first game, there´s new guns. Everything is better, exept one thing. Story. It´s very bad, I know it´s child game but it is really stupid and ending was dissapointing. Final boss was easy. Anyway Ratchet and Clank is still really funny. Second game is little bit better then first game.80%.
Ratchet & Clank :
Yes and i´am going to finish this game and this review. There´s new thing like you can level up your gun on level 5, it´s good and lot´s of guns is deadly(like that gun when you make black hole). Story is better then second game, and history about Clerk is good, and that mini games with him is funny. Planets it´s best from all. But there is go my only two minus of this game. First is this game is really linear. Ok you can go on other planets but there´s no to much reason. And other thing is this, this game is easist of all 3 games, but that final boss is really hard and annoying. Otherwise is awesome game 85%.
But anyway when i finish all 3 games i was happy and sad. Happy for that i finally play this games, and sad because i finish game. I love all games, and i must buy other sequels, because it´s damne addictive and i love it.