They got this ratchet and clank series all wrong, its really disappointing and the game is tooooooooooo easy.
User Rating: 6.8 | Ratchet: Deadlocked PS2
OK, the other ratchet and clank games are great , but this has just gone too far, the game is easy and is not challenging enough for anyone, i didnt have a massive problem on the graphics, the quality was good in them so dont worry about that, the sound wasnt great, even there voices muttered and you couldnt hear anything, i am disappointed in the value the game took me 2 days to complete. The only thing good about this game is the tilt , it allows you to see alot of things. The guns are OK but they are not as good as the guns on the original ratchet and clank games, the enemies are easy, the hardest 1 is obviousely on the last level and even that is EASY.
My advice , DONT GET IT!!