Although this game may be a bit shorter than it's predecessors, it is still a lot of fun to play. The control scheme hasn't changed much from previous Ratchet and Clank games, but it still works extremely well. The R&C sense of humor is still there. The most noteworthy change is that Clank is no longer strapped to Ratchets back (although he is a playable character in 2 player co-op) and has been replaced by two robot (w/ personalities all their own) for you to boss around. Another noted change in this game is that the levels are shorter. Each "planet" visited may have four or five 5-15 minute levels to beat, with optional ones ( to gain more points/ bolts) when the main ones are beaten. This makes for more "save points" which make the game a bit easier. The graphics are great w/ the only noticeable slowdown coming when there is a lot of enemies on screen and lots of big explosions at the same time. But considering it's a PS2 were dealing w/ here and not a PS3 or XBox360, it's not too bad. All things considered, this is a great game that has given me hours upon hours of enjoyment; it is well worth the price tag
Alright, it's not RC2. Let's get that out of the way. There's not a lot of platforming. Fine. But man, I can't put the game down for more than a few minutes. I'm calling in sick from work! Weapons are awesome, acti... Read Full Review
This game is amazing! I have been a fan of the Ratchet and Clank series for a long time. The weapons are awesome, the humor is just right, and it's not all serious like Halo or anything. You just jump out there and blow ... Read Full Review