Once you start, you won't want to quit. Lots of fun!

User Rating: 9.8 | Ratchet: Deadlocked PS2
Although this game may be a bit shorter than it's predecessors, it is still a lot of fun to play. The control scheme hasn't changed much from previous Ratchet and Clank games, but it still works extremely well. The R&C sense of humor is still there. The most noteworthy change is that Clank is no longer strapped to Ratchets back (although he is a playable character in 2 player co-op) and has been replaced by two robot (w/ personalities all their own) for you to boss around. Another noted change in this game is that the levels are shorter. Each "planet" visited may have four or five 5-15 minute levels to beat, with optional ones ( to gain more points/ bolts) when the main ones are beaten. This makes for more "save points" which make the game a bit easier.
The graphics are great w/ the only noticeable slowdown coming when there is a lot of enemies on screen and lots of big explosions at the same time. But considering it's a PS2 were dealing w/ here and not a PS3 or XBox360, it's not too bad.
All things considered, this is a great game that has given me hours upon hours of enjoyment; it is well worth the price tag