Slight chances of rain and a semi-good game.
Raw danger takes the story of 6 or 7 survivors desperatly trying to escape from the flooding Geo City. Each of the stories diffrer from a waiter to a murder suspect to a dude who [shocked] lost his memory. Gameplay is basic Point A to Point B gameplay with a little bit of choosing paths. There isn't a lot of features that make a diffrence cause most of the items you create are either already in game when you come to the point where they are needed. Graphics are fugly by PS2 standards and i mean FUGLY!!!!! Music is rare and sometimes good when its not freaking Christmas music playing in 30 second samples[wow and its public domain too] and voice acting is sometimes good but than again its kinda forced and cheesy at times when a little faness or umph is needed to juice up the story.
I liked the game the first time through but as far as others are concerned, id stay away from the high tide line till it lowers.