I havent played Rayman 2 but i think that it was a great game But for this..........uhh its not

User Rating: 5 | Rayman DS DS
GAMEPLAY: It's the remake of the old N64 game this game was free for me with m DS so i diden't exspect much.Now you start off in a ship with some blob i cant realy remember bit a hummor in the words but all that is killed by no speach sound what so ever.The game play is basicly using the pad or even stupider the touch screan and if you use the touch pen with your right hand u cant press the a b buttons and oh did i mention you cant fix or change the button latout whatsoever.The camara angle is awkward is ever you can move it around with the back trigger but moving around changes it and its unstable if you moving.Its basicly a paltform jump on head ect.it can be fun sometimes but bosses are booring and frusteraiting and unintresting boss fights that get old fast [5]

GRAPHICS: This game cameout around the time of the DS and this game did nothing to show off the DS Graphic Cababiltys. The frame rate is 20 never goes higher and its containly jerky.the grpahics look worst than the N64 back in the day [4]

SOUND: Sounds are all there music is the same as the old game but the sounds are very unrealistic and disodrdered the sound effects are proberly the worst part of the game but the music is still good but tirrible sound effects [3]

VALUE:Its a pretty shallow package with not much to keep you going for long but with a $20 price tag its perfect for children [7] RESULT:Its a good game for a kid about 7 years old and its cheap so its not realy apleaing to older poplem so if you exspactations are't high you can't go wrong with this