I got this game about 3 years ago and I didn't write a review until now! Ok, Rayman 2 is a great game. It's pretty long, you can spend about 20-30 hours going through the main quest without taking time to collect all the lums, buy all of the upgrades, etc. But if you've beaten this game many times, it can be around 10 hours minimum. The game itself if very well done. The targeting system(strafing around the enemy) works pretty well, but don't expect it to be as good as The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess. Over the course of the game, a fairy named Ly gains more powers and gives you a silver lum, that upgrades your powers. In the beginning you can only punch people, then you could shoot energy balls at your enemies. There even is an upgrade you can buy that allows you to charge your fist kamehameha style. It's pretty easy to learn how to play the game, because a frog named Murphy helps you out and tells you how to work the controls. Kinda like Navi from Ocarina of Time and Midna from Twilight Princess. This game is kind of like Zelda, but with different characters, different weapons, and it's on the PS2. The graphics are ok, and the sounds are pretty good. The characters don't talk that well, and the sound effects of the pirates yelling when they die, and basic sound effects are pretty lame, but the music is very well done. Overall, this is a fun game where you'll spend a lot of time playing. You won't regret buying it. But if you're a Gears of War or Halo fan, you might not really like it.
I’ll have to admit that I am playing this game roughly four years after it was released for the PS2 so, my review will definitely be affected by that. From what I gather, R2R is a remake of Rayman 2: The Great Escape, wh... Read Full Review
I used to own a Dreamcast and Rayman 2. I loved it, but I sold it years back. Recently, I had a craving for Rayman 2 and I purchased Rayman 2: Revolution for PS2. What a let-down! I didn't think the graphic were any ... Read Full Review