this game is definitely the best game in the series! i loved all the bosses!(not literally) the final boss is a pain though. he has 4 different stages each harder than the last. the game was really fun you can switch stages if you get bored of one stage although that's practically impossible! my favorite level was definitely the desert of the knaaren. although i,m confused about the end. how come you can kill the chief of the knaaren and all the other knaaren are invincible? the ending is absolutely amazing!all the enemies and bosses were really imaginative. all in all this is a great game. credits: writer crypto333 editor:crypto333 producer:crypto333 programmer:crypto333 the person who did everything to make this review:crypto333 all problems with this review go to:crypto333
Rayman 3 is a fun game that has some very hard levels in it, the good things about it is that the battling is fun and the story is ok but not that good. the music is very fun and cool to listen to especially the batt... Read Full Review
By Diamonte3991 | Review Date: Aug 01, 2010 | XBOX
Rayman 3 is one of the best plat fromers to come out. It has great game moments and a funny story. The games setting is that a bunch of black lums take over and dress up as these guys with rifles called Hoodlums. Raym... Read Full Review