2d style of gaming yet modernized to present the old style to the new gamers that had not experienced the retro gaming.
Rayman Origin is the latest rayman game released for both PS3 and Xbox360.Its a 2d based game designed around marvelous and vivid colors which will catch your eye as soon as you start playing.
Lets get right into it then.
The Graphics-
As I mentioned above the game is a 2d based platformer and there arent any 3d element in it atall.
If you are into 2d games you would know that most of them are made with 3 to 4 layers of different 2d back grounds such as the last layer which most of the time is the sky.You have 2 to 3 or sometimes more layers untill we see the actual layer which is the one our character is in it.
In rayman origins we see these 2d layers showing them selves when you move around and play the game.
The game also offers afew other layers obove the main playing layer which most of the time is out of focus and this gives a beautiful effect to the game.
I remember seeing such stuff with the release of a 2d game called"Limbo".Nevermind that,
so all these fine layers of 2d perfection meet each other in the perfect way and have been linked in a way that you forget ,3d ever existed.
The coolness does not end here.There are superb animations in the game which is not just funny but takes the game itself to another level.
The graphics would have to be the best I have seen in a 2d game ever.Everything works perfectly,from colors to the awsome animations of each character.
The Gameplay-
Its exactly what I have been expecting form a great 2d game.Each level you beat, opens up and unlocks new levels for you.Each world that you beat also offers a new ability that rayman can use further on.The collectables are a bit different here.
In each basic level you can go and find these little living red dot things(which apparently have been capture) that are hidden through out the level and after you rescue all of them(most of the time are 2 or 3 in a single level) it gives you an additional medal.Well, consider medals the collectables.
Also when you beat a level ,you unlock a time trial mode for that level in which you can comeback and redo it.Thats if you are looking for achievements and trophies.Basically these collectables add twice as much fun to the game.
Also I should note that, at the end of each world you have a boss fight,which is great and nevertheless hilarious.
The worlds are completely different from each other,this allows the player not to get bored quickly.So beautiful levels are something to look out for in the game along with unlockable characters and costumes.
After getting all the powers and upgrades,its time to go and see the last level.Which itself unlocks 5 other worlds connected to the last for levels you just beat but the difficulty is much higher.
This time you have to use all of your upgrades to beat the last 5.I was actually very surprised to see this much gameplay and to see that the game is this long, with so many levels.
So yes the gameplay is wonderful its more like a never ending entertainment that you are addicted to.
The Story -
As I said the story is quite long,and I hope nobody expected a real story out of a 2d game,because there isnt a real story atall.Like most of the great games from 2d genre the story doesnt evolve around cutscenes or things like that.It unfolds itself as you progress but without any real and serious effort.There are speech dialogues as text in the game that you can read and thats it.Remember the original mario,the story is actually the gameplay.
The Enjoyment -
I know alot of people would agree with me that this game offers so much.Everything in the game has been mastered and has reached its best quality,sometimes during playing when you start a new level which you have not played before you are gonna be suprised of the great soundtrack you hear.The soundtrack made me smile during a certain level I played.
Another thing to look out for here is that ,yes there are many levels to play,but you have to know that for this game to have all these levels, doesnt mean that the game is longer.Lets look at it this way, having more levels can also mean that the game is more challenging.Rayman Origins is the exact thing here.A modern 2d challenge along with fun hours it brings.
Think about it, on the very first levels its just piece of cake to beat ,and the last level of this game is surprisingly difficult ,its exactly what a 2d game needs to stand among the greatest 2d games of all time.In addition in between the easiness of the first level and the difficulty of the last level of the game something amazing happens which is an upgrade of difficulty without you noticing it.I enjoyed every second of the game to be honest.
The Summary -
Rayman Origins offers every thing you need to make the best 2d games of all times,the game ties these amazing and great elements together and the out come is rather something new.
This adds another layer of perfection itself,simply because there arent many games like this in the market,and to see these types of games being built today its a dreamcome true for its fans.
Rayman Origins gives the player the chance to enjoy life again in a classic 2d style of gaming yet modernized to present the old style to the new gamers that had not experienced the retro gaming.
I got 100% and enjoyed playing hours and hours as Mr Rayman.
Hope you enjoyed the review,and it is useful to you.