The rabbids scream has quieted down
Story 7/10: The rabbids have invaded our world and its up to rayman to stop them. If you dont go straight to the title screen, your introduced to this with a nice cut scene in the begining of the game. A woman giving a live report on these strange yellow submarines flying over the city and rabbids come from everywhere. Rayman (seeing this on the news) decided that the best way to stop them is to infiltrate there headquarters and disguise himself as one of them. This story doesnt have any type of ending however leaving the viewers to some disappointment. It will be enjoyed though because the humor is defenitly still there where even at one point the rabbids are looking at the cartridge of the 1st game when there trying to identify him.
Gameplay 7.5/10: The controls work for all games so theres no problem there, but the fact is that the games your playing just arent as fun....alone. The game has emphisized on the multiplayer more creating some crazy havoc for you and your freinds, but when your alone certian minigames just involve you. For some reason they took out the computers in a few and left them there in the rest. Its confusing why they did this but it also just leaves out competition. There are still a great number of minigames from serving foods to goofing around,spitting, burping, farting, or even wacking a bunny with a baseball bat. The game has alot less repetitions so saying theres over 50 minigames is actually saying theres over 50 minigames with no " PART 2" to any of them. For those who have played the 1st, music and shooting stages have returned with some better ideas and just as fun gameplay. Music stages allow you to play one of 4 different instruments and you swing the remote on the instramental beat. Shooting games has a very interesting concept where you go around shooting in real places of the world. A guy took a camera, ran around a bunch of places and then added the rabbids. For the most part this collection works as a whole and the few boring minigames will not completly prevent from having the humorous fun.
Graphics 7.0/10: This game came out so quick that the developers didnt have time to get into all details and thats where it suffers. The game looks ok but some places look like they could be from a ps2 game or pherphaps even lower. It does have sustaining power though as the shooting levels through the camera look excellent and the at the same time the rabbids fit in perfectly. To sum it up " its no mario galaxy graphics but its no eye-sore either"
Extras 7.5/10: Theres always new things around the corner to unlock and rabbids has pleny to them. However most of the unlockables are just costumes to spruce up your rabbid. The other extras are a nice touch including customization of your own trip, this creates a large variety compared to the marathon mode in the 1st game. There is wifi in this game but only leaderboards to match scores online and with the weaker point system it feels like you can only go so far.
Its surprising how a game released only a year after the prequal can have this much sustaining power, but its no amazing triump return. Its certianly better than many other minigame collections but the rabbids better fine tune if they plan to make a 3rd.