When your friend decides to buy a Wii after seeing this game, it pretty much sells itself. Great fun.

User Rating: 8.7 | Rayman Raving Rabbids WII
I always saw the Wii as a party system. RRR proves it.

There are tons of games each varied enough to keep it fun as heck and a riot.

When you are playing, you have to keep focused on the game. Everyone else in the room is laughing like crazy at the silly antics of the screaming rabbits.

Its made up of mini games. You can keep trying each one until you beat it. After you have beated all four, the "boss" game becomes available. After this, you start the next day, with 4 more mini-games.

Mini games are insane. From the "speed milking" a cow (done by moving the nunchuck and remote alternatingly up and down) to the dancing ones. Dancing games are mixed in so that one of the four minigames are one of these. They are alot of fun and look great.

You just can't stop playing and you don't want to share.

The graphics are decent but not great. They fit.

The controls are perfect and responsive.

I highly recommend it.