I personally liked the gameplay with all the interesting ways to play. But the minigames themselves aren't all what thi

User Rating: 6.2 | Rayman Raving Rabbids WII
Rayman raving rabbids was a very big dissapointment. Let's talk about gameplay. The gameplay was much like a minigame-only mario party. You don't really move around much in the game so basically the only type of gameplay is shacking, twisting, pointing the remote or nunchuck. I personally liked the gameplay with all the interesting ways to play. But the minigames themselves aren't all what thier cracked up to be. The graphics are pretty good for a wii game. Crisp clean 3-d graphics. If you're not a graphics whore then you'll like the graphics. The sound was hilarious! Not only do you here the hilarious screaming and gibberish of the rabbids but it sounds good!. The story line is terrible. You're locked in a cell by the rabbids and each day you must compete in 5 challenges and if you win you get a plunger. In the room you builed a wall of plungers to the window and escape. I would've loved to have an adventure game with the minigames. It would've been so much fun. Overall it was ok. It wasn't worth the 60 bucks. For only about 3 hours of play you should definatly rent it.