A remarkable game.
Still, Rayman is a great and revolutionary game which is a game that I will still remember when I'm 60.
Like in most games, Rayman isn't perfect. One of the most frustrating things was the lives. You started with: 8 continues, 3 lives and 3 life points. You could get 5 live points if you found an upgrade. If you would loose all your life points, you lost a life. And if you lost all your life's you would loos a continue. And if you're out of of continue's the game would just reset. What's the point with continue's? You can't get any new one's, and if you don't have one the game will reset when you loose 3 life's?
Another problem is that this game is hard as... Sometimes I thought I was going crazy when that darn hunter shot me again!
Then you have the points. Collection points is almost useless. You need 100 points for a new life, but every time you die you loose ALL your points!
The music in the game is just great! It has many tunes that will stick in your head for at least a week! I have to say that the soundtrack is less good than in the other systems. The game sounds are a little awkward sometimes, like when you hit a rock enemy, it makes a weird women-sound
The worlds and pictures in this game are very nice though, and really are way better than most Jaguar games. The boss fights are original and fun to play, and the levels are all completely different. The only thing that is used a lot are the enemy's. You had great boss fights, but the enemy's are Mostly the same.
Ove ral a great game that everybody should play. If you own a Jaguar I highly advise you for buying a Jaguar