RBI Baseball is still the game of choice in baseball clubhouses from little league to the pros!
User Rating: 9.3 | R.B.I. Baseball (Unlicensed) NES
RBI is a classic and extremely addictive game that still can hold its own in the top baseball video games ever created. RBI Baseball is still the game of choice in baseball clubhouses from little league to the pros! My very own high school baseball clubhouse is always running the good old NES with that annoying (but catchy) RBI tune humming from the game room. It is an extremely simple, but high intensity baseball game that will last through the ages.
As for the graphix and such... well, they obiviously aren't that great, but really place a nice classic feel on the game, which is a wonderful touch. With today's next generation graphix, RBI really reminds you that it is not the graphix that make the game... it is and always will be the gameplay that determines the greatness.
Now lets just hope for a release to the XBOX 360 Arcade!