If you're looking for a little throw-back love from a baseball game then RBI is a can't miss. This game got it right.

User Rating: 9.5 | R.B.I. Baseball (Unlicensed) NES
I know this game is 20 years old but I still can't get enough of playing this one. I keep it on my shelf at all times ready to play whenever a cocky friend comes over thinking any moron can win at this game. I've yet to lose to anyone. But enough about me.

Baseball itself is a pretty simple game. Catch, throw, run, hit. That's what makes this game so genius. Despite the obvious technological limitations, this game captures the essence of the great American past-time. Perhaps its simplicity is the best feature.

There are other, newer baseball games out there that have enhanced control schemes, complicated managerial decisions or game additions designed to lend more gravitas. Maybe complication was inevitable, still I would hope those developers see what makes this game work so well and think about it once or twice while their constructing their latest and greatest.

If you're fortunate enough to still own an NES then this game should be in your library. This throw-back is definitely one that should be dug up every once in a while.