THIS game needs work lots of work!! it is not horrable but it not great. The environments rare limited but very n
User Rating: 5 | Rebel Raiders: Operation Nighthawk PS2
This game did not get the rating was looking for but it did not bring out such a good game too!! The game is not horrable but it not great. This game is not one off the best fling game ever but its not the worst eihter. Tneeds work lots and lots of work. The flight model in the game is pretty simple. You never have to worry about takeoffs or landings--you simply steer your jet with the left analog stick and control speed with three of the shoulder buttons. There are two levels of afterburner, as well as an airbrake that can slow you down for tighter turns or more control on strafing runs. There's no fuel to worry about, so you can use afterburners as much as you wish to catch up to enemy jets. This take the reality out or the game. Rebel Raiders: Operation Nighthawk looks, feels, sounds, and plays like a budget flight combat game. The game design is very straightforward, and the included single-player campaign is brief and repetitive. It's the sort of game you could imagine playing in the arcades of yesteryear for a quarter at a time and then forgetting about immediately. You'll get about that same level of satisfaction from this game, as well.