Most unbalanced strategy game I've seen
User Rating: 5.5 | Agarest Senki PS3
This game is amazingly unbalanced. Just to be clear I enjoy hard games and I own nearly 20 turn based strategy games. But I will not get far in this one. It is not hard, it's broken. At level 2 my three man party ended up in a fight against six level 7's. There is no winning that. Its the most frustrating game ive ever seen to hit an enemy. On average I try to hit an enemy 6 to 7 times before anything connects. Prepare to get an enemy down to 10% hp and spend the next several turns trying to finish it off as those misses pile up. Meanwhile of course, the enemy -never- misses. Another broken feature is your mages defense. So far mine have yet to survive a single attack. You cant really screen enemies in this game like you can other TBS because of the inherent way the battles play out. You queue up moves then you and the enemy move at the same time. Ya cant cut off enemies when you move at the same time as them. They also have huge movement compared to your guys and even if you manage to cut them off, if your mages get close enough to attack they are dead. At my level it costs 300 gold to revive them and I earn 30 per fight. This means I have to grind just to revive them and they usually die more as I try to grind. The games been amazingly unfun, and I doubt ill ever be able to pick it up again. Perhaps the game gets better but who wants to slog through hours of mud for a mediocre game anyway. The only good feature is the music is good.