Rockstar games create their open world wild west game. I don't remember playing any wild west games before, so i found this one really interesting to try out.
You play as John Marston. You were a gang criminal back in the day who wants to settle down with his wife, but the government kidnaps your wife and son. To get your family back, your job is to find your old gang members and bring them to justice.
Being based in the wild west you would not expect big cities and cars or not much of anything. Towns have few houses, few people, not much, just like in the real wild west. Rockstar did a great job making it look like a real wild west setting... but why is the framerate so low? I'm riding my horse across a town and the framerate is so low. It drops to 20fps at times. I would expect better from a game that has much less to render than GTA. GTAV and even GTAIV put RDR to shame. RDR is a good looking game, just not at GTA level. Also, RDR runs at native 640p...
Like all Rockstar games, RDR is open world. The world is very big, but there isn't much of anything. There are animals all over the world and you might run into some people, but that aside, not much to see or do. Inside towns and cities you talk to people to do missions and sub missions like GTA games. There are side games too, like poker and horse shoe throwing.
RDR plays just like GTA. Though now you have older less effective weapons. I personally don't like these older guns, but i understand that is how it was back then.
The story is ok. It starts out good and then like all Rockstar games you do a lot of stuff that has nothing to do with the main story dragging it out to the end. The ending was unexpected and good though.
Voice acting in RDR is top quality like you would expect from any Rockstar game. They truly captured the way people talked back in the early 1900's.
Online is horrible. Out of all Rockstar games i player, this is by far their worst online. The guns are horrible, people only play auto aim since free aim so dead, there is a dead eye skill that is pure noobfest. Even the co op is dead boring. I don't understand how some play something so boring and nooby.
RDR is long as expected. Very long if you get all the DLC or the GOTY edition. Lots of hours to play, but i felt let down. RDR just isn't as good as GTA games. It's nice to play something new for a change, but Rockstar games should stick to a more modern settings.