As a whole, this game is a deeply rewarding experience, and a true marvel.

User Rating: 10 | Red Dead Redemption: Game of the Year Edition X360
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If I was asked to describe Red Dead Redemption in one word, that word would be "Masterpiece." But, describing a game of this depth with just a single word doesn't do it justice. Red Dead Redemption is a game where all of it's parts mesh together into one, cohesive, meaningful whole, and manages to do it in such a way that very few games ever have, or ever will.

One of the many ways that it achieves this is through it's story. Set in the American Old West in 1911, the narrative puts the player in the perspective of John Marston, who is an outlaw with a tough past, as well as being a father, and a husband. Johns wife and son are kidnapped by government agents, and used as a bribe to use against John. The agents want him to find and kill or capture all of his former gang members, and if he refuses or does not succeed, his wife and son will be killed.

The protagonist, John Marston, is easily one of the most memorable video game characters ever. He is a man with a bad past that he just wants to forget. He is cynical, and yet witty and cleverly written, and on the outside he is a stone cold killer....but on the inside, he is a caring family man. Seeing both of these sides reveal themselves throughout the narrative is what makes the player care about John as a character.

Playing as Marston, the player will meet various characters while exploring the gorgeous Old West open world. Each character feels unique, and they are very distinct from one another. From crazy grave robbers, to aging sharpshooters, to cunning government agents, and many more....the plot never feels short on well-developed characters. The voice acting is absolutely top notch, with great character animations and design.

The vast open world is a sight to behold.
The vast open world is a sight to behold.

Red Dead Redemptions' Old West open world is absolutely beautiful. Vast, detailed, full of life, and more importantly....believable. It feels BIG, and luckily, it doesn't feel TOO big. The world achieves sense of scale through it's atmosphere, which is presented in a way that feels damn near perfect. Part of what makes the atmosphere so compelling is the soundtrack, which is top notch. It matches the Old West setting so well, and sets the tone in a very effective way, and adds emotional depth to the game as a whole.

And it doesn't take long for the world to open up to the player. Early on in the game, you have the freedom to start exploring the landscape, and to engage in the many side activities that the game presents. Mini-games like Poker and Blackjack, Liars Dice and Horseshoes, and side-missions like Nightwatch Jobs, Bounty Hunter missions, Strangers, among others. There is so much to do to keep yourself busy, and it never feels overwhelming.

The Old West is home to many types of wildlife, all of which can be hunted and skinned for raw materials. There are many uses for hunting, such as selling the pelt for cash, or just for sport. However, the best use of of this mechanic are the Hunting Challenges. The player can complete specific hunting activities at their own leisure, and with every challenge completed, they get closer to becoming a master hunter. There are 10 Hunting Challenges in total, with each one being more difficult than the previous one.

There are other challenges as well, such as Sharpshooting Challenges, Survivalist Challenges, and Treasure Hunter Challenges, all of which are very rewarding indeed. Upon completion of all four challenges, the player gains fame as a "Legend of the West."

Random events are encountered constantly during your travels across the Old West.
Random events are encountered constantly during your travels across the Old West.

Gaining Fame and Honor are some key elements in Red Dead Redemption. While traveling the expansive world, you will commonly be presented with Random Events that the player can take part in. These mini-missions are radiant, and occur infinitely at completely random times. The primary element here is that with every random event taken part in, your Fame and Honor are affected. Fame is only gained and can never be lost, and it increases how NPCs recognize the player. Honor can be raised if the player chooses to perform a positive action, and lowered if the player performs a negative action. Honor affects Fame, for example, if your Honor is low and your Fame is high, then people will widely recognize you negatively, and so on. Random Events offer the player moral choices that will either positively or negatively affect their place in the world.

The games extensive emphasis on the gunslinger mechanic is represented in the slow-motion "Dead Eye" aiming system, which adds depth to the gunplay. On it's own, the shooting mechanics are some of the best I have ever seen, and the "Dead Eye" mechanic makes shootouts even more fun.

The only major complaint that I have about the single-player is that there are some pretty noticeable glitches and bugs that occur from time to time. Some of them are serious, but this is rare. Most of them are harmless, occasionally annoying.

The multiplayer modes of Red Dead Redemption feel surprisingly well fleshed out. Each match, whether Free-for-all or Team Based start with a Mexican standoff, with surviving players able to go to any part of the map in preparation for respawning enemies. Players can level up and complete challenges which earn them rewards such as new character models, golden weapons, new titles, and more. Modes include Shootout (deathmatch), many variants of Capture the Flag are also included. "Hold Your Own" which is a traditional mode where each team has to defend their bag of gold from the enemy team whilst capturing the other. Grab The Bag has both teams attacking one bag placed in a section of the map. Gold Rush is a free-for-all variant, trying to grab and keep as many bags as possible.

There is also a free roam multiplayer mode, where all players on a server can join in posses with other players, and take part in activities such as hunting, capturing computer-controlled gang hideouts, or attacking other posses.

The multiplayer components of Red Dead Redemption are well-developed and feel rewarding.
The multiplayer components of Red Dead Redemption are well-developed and feel rewarding.

In the Game of the Year Edition of Red Dead Redemption, there is a plethora of additional content, with both single-player and multiplayer add-ons.

In the multiplayer department, all of the expansion packs are included. Outlaws to the End includes six new cooperative side missions ranging from raiding a mine and stealing the gold to riding down a river to secure a town's weapon cache. New multiplayer challenges as well as new trophies/achievements are also included. Legends and Killers adds nine new multiplayer map locations, eight new multiplayer characters, a tomahawk, and new achievements and trophies.

Liars and Cheats consists of new competitive multiplayer modes such as Stronghold and horse racing, as well as multiplayer versions of liar's dice and poker. Additionally players can play as the heroes and villains of the single-player story in multiplayer. Fifteen additional multiplayer characters are added. Hunting and Trading includes a new animal, the jackalope and the Savvy Merchant and Expert Hunter outfits for use in single player as well as related challenges.

The fifth and final expansion included in Red Dead Redemption, titled Undead Nightmare, is a bonus single-player experience that I have reviewed separately. You can find the review here.

The Old West has never felt so realized in a video game before this.
The Old West has never felt so realized in a video game before this.

The Verdict

Few games have ever provided such depth in scale, atmosphere, and gameplay. The multitude of different components here all combine in ways that feel organic and believable, with the story wrapping around the gorgeous open-world in meaningful ways, making the world feel like it's one with the narrative, rather than separate. It achieves things big and small, and everything, especially the little things, are what make Red Dead Redemption one of the greatest games of it's generation. No game is perfect, but this one is as close to perfect as a game can be. With a deeply rewarding single-player experience, and a fully realized multiplayer mode, Red Dead Redemption is a must play....even for those who aren't big fans of Westerns.

The Good

  • Vast, teeming open world that is a joy to explore
  • Exceptional art design
  • Engrossing soundtrack
  • Unique, diverse characters
  • Superb voice acting and sound effects
  • Great gameplay
  • Fully fledged multiplayer mode

The Bad

  • Occasional glitches and bugs