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User Rating: 8.5 | Red Dead Redemption PS3
Well let me just start off and say Red Dead Redemption is probably the best western game I have ever played. I would also like to say this game is seriously over hyped, it's a great game but there are alot of things that could have made it an even better game.

Story- Well im not going to spoil it for you, but Red Dead is so much fun, mainly due to the story and the characters you interact with through out the game. You play as John Marston, a former outlaw who needs to seek out his former outlaws he use to run with. Im not going to get to much into detail but the characters in this game are some of the most interesting characters ive ever seen in a sandbox game. The story starts out confusing but strong, you obviously learn more about John within time so he's not going to be an open book as soon as you start the game. The story is strong at first and once you go into Mexico it feels the story is just dragging it self to give it more time before the climax, however Mexico is still fun, though the missions are not as interesting as they are in New Austin, they are much more dangerous. Once you get to Mexico all you really want to do is see RDR end, I mean Mexico was fun but the Great Plains area is far more interesting and fun to "explore".

Game play- Fantastic game play, a lot better then GTA 4 especially the cover system. The cover system which you will not use even 70% of the time, is so much better and not as stiff like in GTA 4, it feels just better and more fluid. Now RDR is kinda like Fallout 3 when it comes to it's Dead Eye mode, you will use it a lot, but gun play outside of it is still terrific and fluid and Dead Eye is actually alot of fun to use, so I have no real complaints for the game play aspect.

Graphics- Red Dead does not look as sleek as in the screen shots at ign, but it is still a beautiful game. Exploring in RDR is just made so much fun, I highly doubt people will want to use the fast travel option as much as in GTA 4 since RDR is just such an enjoyable game to look at. You will want to explore RDR and roam around the world yourself instead of fast traveling because of the beauty of this game.

Complaints- Well RDR is an terrific game, but there are some things I think I feel I need to address and complain about. I feel there is barely any unlockable outfits, it's bad enough that you cannot customize your characters attire but to give only what 10+ outifts to unlock and to use.. thats kinda absurd especially when putting into consideration that by the time your done with the game you will probably have 4-6 outfits actually unlocked, and who knows if thoughs outfits will suit you. I used about 4 different outfits while playing RDR, and thats it, I was very picky when it came to the outfits. There are some framerate problems here and there but nothing to get your knickers in a bunch over. I was pretty disappointed by the lack of things to do/buy in little town settlements. See little settlements in RDR might have some things do, like arm wrestling, maybe a saloon, but never really anything worth wild to make you go out of your way to actually visit that settlement. Main towns are terrific, sadly the minor towns are a let down. Red Dead is also very, very easy. I mean I barely ever died (yes my targeting was set to expert). RDR is hard sometimes, but it does not really ever challenge you which is kinda sad.

The Little Things I Liked- I love the random events RDR does, I thought before the game came out they would get very repetitive, but they do not. Rockstar did a terrific job on making these random events and I love em! it makes the game feel alive and you never know what to expect. I love the stranger missions, they never get old and the fact you can start them and complete them at any time makes me feel very satisfied. I love the gun play and I love the variety in weapons that can be purchased in RDR. I love all the mini games and I love the major towns in RDR, I love hunting and I love the challenges for hunting, sharp shooting ect instead of killing 100 pigeons -__-.

Bottom line Red Dead Redemtion is a great game, I feel it is highly over hyped but it is still terrific, the world feels alive, it did not get repetitive for me, and I love the main story and the characters within it. I loved Red Dead and if there is any game you have to purchase before the end of this month, make sure it's RDR.