User Rating: 10 | Red Dead Redemption X360
I don't usually give out tens but a game this great deserves it

The story is very unique. John Marston is hunting down his former fellow gang members in exchange for his wife and son. Along the way he even helps a revolution! You can hunt down outlaws or hunt cougars,boars,and bears. There are about 55 story missions and a little under 20 "stranger" missions given to you by random people. There are also scenarios where a wagon could be getting robbed or a prostitute getting killed.

The multiplayer is great I personally prefer free roam to matches but matches work smoothly.
In free roam unless you play with friends or are in a posse with someone chances are they will try to kill you so you will want to play with friends so that you have some back up. There are challenges in both single player and multiplayer that involve things such as hunting, shooting, and treasure hunting.

If anyone is concerned about slow game play because of the weapons don't be, even if the guns aren't automatic they shoot fairly fast
This is the one game that everyone should play this year .