wow omg amazing....we could go on with these types of sayings with this game as i think it is the best game since gta!

User Rating: 10 | Red Dead Redemption X360
wow omg amazing....we could go on with these types of sayings with this game as i think it is the best game since gta! great story great characters great videos overall just great!!! i love it a must buy for any gamer! i will play this for ages i just love galloping round shooting animals and birds!

great use of dead eye on missions and duels etc

greeat if you want to do missions or just bimble round on

yeah there's a few niggly bits where it gets stuck etc and it doesnt really matter what bad things you do people still sell you stuff etc
but overall a 10/10 from me! now toi use up the last few words on review a must buy! a classic! a great game! better then gta! when i get bored of this i will be dead ha ha ha

it would be great if there was the odd indian apche etc running around to kill!