ok guys first review so please excuse spelling mistakes i might add i love this game so much so

User Rating: 9.5 | Red Dead Redemption PS3
well after rockstars GTA4 people have been hoping for another one but no haha we got something 100 times better a story of redemption,cowboys and immersive storytelling and bagillions of things to do

john marston a notorious criminal in the old days has a chance to gain redemption (fitting in the title)and get his family back by spilling the lukewarm blood of his old comrades (blood red fitting the title) starting off with john and 2 government agents getting off a boat which is pointless because he lives a few miles down the road they put you on a train and send you on your way and once you arrive at armadillo a town thats actually pretty western looking and we meet a guy who has no relivence because this is the only time we meet him who takes us on journey to fort mercer where one of johns old comrades are held up and not to early he gets shot and is found by rancher bonnie mac farlane a key character for most of the game who gets you to a save pint saves your game and you respawn thats the start of the game basically besides teaching you stuff like shooting and lassoing everything else she teaches you has no relevance till the end of the game (where the dead in title comes up) thats all i'll talk about the story because it gets really good if a little complex

let me talk about the gameplay,thanks,its pretty easy point shoot in third person you shoot either left side or right side duck and cover is a great way to stay alive and when on horseback or carriage its a real "how do you do" pressing X whilst pressing R1 and L2 at THE SAME TIME!but its fun because shooting people,for instance, in the foot makes them crawl for a sec before using medicine and healing themselves so they can go for round 2 and shooting people in the head shows a massive crater in there skull and shooting there gun disarms them meaning they're easier to kill.As i spoke about the horse mechanics horses are good with a simple whistle it comes to you,in learning the mechanics of the lasso bonnie lets you wrangle a golden horse which is one of the highest ranking after that dies you get a standard horse which strikes me as weird because i saw no difference.and deadeye the new game mechanic basically bullet time but you bet to pinpoint where you want to shoot face balls chin its all good

the side quests are kool and easy to complete and 1 case is just a cutscene the challenges arent a wast of time for you gain benefits such as the strongest weapon in the game and medicine from flowers.There are 3 major parts to the game new austin the old west stereotype,Nuevo Pariso a mexican land a land of rocks and fire and finally Blackwater the civilised area of the land full of green and snow and of course the most wildlife in the game in the forrest of blackwater there the main places and there are billions of places to explore in those regions.

the multiplayer is a pain the in the crack because of the fact it doesent connest half the freaking time but when it does work its just the single player with more time on its hands leveling up is easy just do missions and hideouts and you'll level up,slowly but you'll get there

the moral choices arent really relevant if your bad people hate and you have to spend more money at shops but if your good you get discounts and people often say hello and let you have there house for saving there child finally the glitches i havent ran into many besides falling down a tight space and horse wall JAM but thats all i ran into so far but more people might have worse luck than me

this game is worth the money and is about 20 hours in story length but with the side quests and immersive'ness of the game you'll probably get lost in the wonderful world of red dead redemption!

not to bad for a first review,right?