Rockstar Games amazes us with Red Dead Redemption.AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
First off about the graphics.To tell the truth they aren't that great overall as everyone says.I don't say that they are bad.There are aspects that could be much much better.I shall notice that Rockstar has done an excellent job of creating the atmosphere of the Wild West.The art of the game is great,the effects of sunset are majestic,the rain effects are great.Seems that there are no shortcomings in this area.But check this out.
While traveling at high speed on your horse(horse models,their movement really amaze) or something else you will encounter trees disappearing or reappearing.Sorry Rockstar but what age are we in?the same problem was with GTA.I really don't get it.Can't they completely delete this frustrating and other annoying glitches(watch on Youtube these glitches.They are far too much)?
But none can argue the best aspects of the graphics like Marston's detailed face,greatly detailed horses and canyons.Overall graphics are great and they don't stop amazing(the atmosphere of the Wild West is breathtaking that is created by great looking world) until you encounter a sh##ty glitch.
Audio presentation is almost perfect,almost.The effects of gun.the sounds of different animals,the sounds of horse movement,at last the sounds of characters are great.To tell the truth I haven't noticed any problems with it.
Story is great and what is very good-lengthy.It is ENGROSSING and ends with a BANG.
The strongest aspect of the game is it's gameplay.Even GTA 4's gameplay can't compete with it.There are so many things to do in the world of Red Dead Redemption that you will be confused and won't know what to start from-main story,strangers,challenges,side quests,hunting.
This game has very fun mini games that you can play a hefty time and still remain ambitious.What you can do in the world besides of the main story are always welcome and fun distraction.I am disappointed with the tutorial of the game.This game ha sa good mix of shooter and stealth.
This is one of the best games of the year pretty much by it's solid,very very lengthy gameplay,great story and interesting characters.You won't regret if you own one.