Red Dead Redemption is a great game with a great multiplayer and feels like you really are in the Wild West.
It's physics are really the key to my heart while playing this game. Brains get blown out, people get crushed by a train, enemies stagger when shot with a pistol but are thrown back when shot with a shotgun.
It's main story may be a bit frustrating, but the missions itself are amazing. RDR's cover system works really well and the interaction with the people, objects and animals are fun.
One of the fun elements of this game is the lasso. You can hogtie people with it, drag people across the plains with it and transport animals and enemies with it.
Also great are the minigames. You can play poker, blackjack, liar's dice, horseshoes, five finger fillet and arm wrestling. Between the bounty hunting, horse breaking, night watching, randomly killing people because it's fun, finishing challenges and completing the main story, those are a great way to fill the gaps between them.
When the sun sets, and I'm riding towards Mexico on a lone, abandoned trail and I hear a great song from José Gonzalez (Far Away), only thén am I satisfied. Only then I know I bought the right game for me.