A superb game that sets new standards for sandbox titles.

User Rating: 10 | Red Dead Redemption X360
Red Dead Redemption starts out like any Rockstar game. Much like the way Grand Theft Auto 3 started you on a trail to take down the men that left you for dead. So you might be thinking to yourself, "Well, here we go again with Rockstar repeating itself." But by no means is this game a rip off of GTA. The story has it's similarities but the GTA formula is a tried and true method.

You play as John Marston, an ex-gang member who left the gang to start his family. When he was shot by the gang and left for the vultures, a family of do-gooders scoop up John and nurse him back to health. This is where you learn the basics of Red Dead. Horse riding is nothing like you would first expect. It is fluid, easy to get the hang of and over all fun to do. While staying at the ranch you are introduced to a few of the side quests Rockstar likes to throw in with all there games to break up the monotony that starts after a few of the main quests. Just to name a few are Night Watch, Horseshoes and Poker. Once you get to other towns, other jobs are available. Night Watch has the player follow around a dog, which snoops out trouble and baddies. The simple way to take care of this is to shoot any trouble you see first and ask what they were doing last. However, Rockstar added a new little feature that plays well in RDR. A good/bad balance and a fame meter. The choices the player makes can either give them good or bad karma and which ever way you chose gives you fame, which can cause the shops around town to give discounts or have people get angry and shout some choice words at you.

Another side job you can take up are the Old West "Wanted" posters. Here you also have a choice to make, either kill the criminal on the poster, or wrap them up with your trusty lasso and take them back to town alive for a bonus in cash. It is very easy to get side tracked doing other odd jobs. Hunting can take up a good amount of your week. Skinning the animals and hunting the Legendary animals will give you more money to spend on horses, guns, equipment and pay of bounties.

Once you get back to the main quests you will find that there are quite a few people who will double cross you, send you on suicide missions or hunting down gang leaders and taking out gang hideouts. The massive map will take you from New Austin, Texas, down to Mexico in hunt of the men that tried to take your life. You will get help from many various characters who will keep you on your toes.

If you get tired of roaming the deserts on your own, you can take to the excellent multiplayer. Much like GTA IV, the players are entered into a Free Roam lobby. You can either form a "Posse" and take out other players, or work together and take down the gang hideouts from single player. Once you find a posse you like, you can take them to one of the many objective based games. The usual "Deathmatch" "Team Deathmatch" are here. There is also a capture the flag form of game where your team tries to steal the other teams bags of gold and bring it back to your teams base. If you download the DLC (which is free by the way) you get a new cooperative mode. The group you're put in has different objectives for every mission, but usually are based around the same premise, kill the bad guys or take the goodies for your own.

Anyone who likes GTA or any good shooter needs to pick up this game. It is a definite buy and a game that you will keep coming back to even long after you have completed the story.