Very good but just one or two things hold it back.
User Rating: 9 | Red Dead Redemption PS3
Pretty much gamespot's review has got it right with the customisation is does get frustrating seeing someone who looks exactly the same in the old west and there occasional bugs and for some reason horses seem retarded and run away from you when you whistle em, but apart from that it is a fantastic game, massive amount of land to search loads of stuff to do, loads of stuff to kill, great single player story great competitive multiplayer and co-op gang hideouts and missions, only qualm with multiplayer is the fact that there is no auto balancing (ie. if your team has 5 people and the other team has 6 and 2 of your guys leave the teams will not be balanced you will have 3 and they will have 6... how fair is that?) and also the weapons online, for some reason what they do for most game maps is give you a **** combo of weapons and let you go pick up some more, problem is that the guys who play this game loads know all the good weapon spawns and trust me if you are fighting someone who has a mauser pistol and all you have is a volcanic pistol... you are almost certainly going to lose... Other than that completely fantastic and because I am fairly skilled at the game I can overcome the occasional guy who does the above and also by doing this rockstar makes you really get moving in the maps there is very little static gameplay in small scale battles only in large ones and there it just becomes awesome with 5 guys blasting at each other like true western style.
Short and simple: fantastic multiplayer, fantastic story, one or two let downs nothing too major just annoyances 9/10