How the West Fought On.
When I finally picked up my own copy I was excited and nervous. I didn't want to have just wasted $60 on a game. Yea, it is from Rockstar, and yea they make great games, but it's not what I though it was going to be. I though it was going to be broken controls when riding and trying to gun someone down. A slow moving story line that wouldn't have the big moments that GTA has. I really did think I just bough a bad game. I usually take my time in picking a game before I go out a buy it.
I was surprised by it. The opening was something I never experienced in a game before. Not knowing all the information on the person and being but in to a story that started months or even years ago was different. I though they would start with some action moment but the train was a nice change. If you didn't go in to the bar right off the bat then you may have spent so much time before the first action sequence starts up at the fort.
The story is amazing. It has it all from great action moments to some very emotional moments, to some greatly humorous moments. The story does get some breaks especially when you head into Mexico after getting off the raft. The song by Jose Gonzales is great. The words fit the game perfectly. Its nice to have a song in the middle of a game that is mainly accompanied by an orchestra.
Voice acting was well done. All of the characters are believable and all of them are remarkable. Even the ones that come in late in the game are great. The only down side is there are so many character that you may get confused on who said what.
The graphics are beautiful. The cities and towns are all different in many ways, and the open land is great to travel and explore. There is so much to see and look at that the world is just amazing. It's not too big but yet not to small. If it was set in a more modern time the world would be too small and if you had to walk then the world would have been too big. The horse is a great traveling companion. The horse is great because if you push it to hard it could die or buck you off, yet if you don't protect it then you could be left in the middle of nowhere and be attacked be whatever is looking for something to eat.
If there was a down side to this game if would be the slight learning curve to riding the horse, the weird glitches of people getting stuck in very odd spots, and the multiple endings got to me the first time.
The real end of the game is a great moment. Very The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly moment. If you enjoy western movies and have not played Red Dead Revolver(don't play it, it doesn't look half as good as Redemption) then pick up Red Dead Redemption and get ready to experience a great story.