Red Dead Redemption is a fun and addictive experience that all players should consider!
The campaign is a great one. Definitely one of the best campaigns I've ever experienced in any game. It is highly imaginative and it really interprets the western era feel extremely well. You get an amazing sense that you really are a character of the western days. The country side, the towns, even the people just look so into the setting of the game, it looks very convincing and really pushes the game forward. Characters in Red Dead Redemption's campaign are highly unique and you're sure to meet some quirky characters and still discover dark pasts they may have. These characters are backed up by amazing story telling and top-notch voice acting. The characters sound very realistic and into what you're doing in the game. It sets a high tone in the game that few games manage to generate in terms of their campaign. Not only does it offer all of that, but more, the missions are incredibly enjoyable to play and even sometimes very challenging, which is also backed up by adrenaline-pumping, western music, which gives it even more of that very realistic western feel. RDR's campaign is definitely one that all gamers should experience.
And now, the multiplayer. There is a lot of things to do in this. First off, you can do the basic free-roam which is expected to be included. However, this Free Roam mode contains many other things than just running around the world of Red Dead Redemption. You can find a game, invite your friends or other players to a posse and do gang hideouts. These are extremely enjoyable and addictive. The multiplayer works in a "get XP to level up" system. You gain experience for doing many activities such as killing other players, enemy AI, and gang hideouts. You unlock a very wide variety of weapons, all western aged of course, and mounts. There's also a legendary mode which is quite similar to Call of Duty's Prestige mode where you fork over all of your weapons to start over again. However, in Red Dead Redemption you are awarded a badass new mount every time you go up in legend. You can also have posse wars or even engage in some amazingly addictive PvP activities such as a standard shootout for example, or even a deathmatch. There's so much to do in Red Dead Redemption's multiplayer that you'll be hooked to it for hours.
In short terms, Red Dead Redemption is definetely a must buy for all gamers. It is an extremely enjoyable game that would be a shame for anyone to miss.