RDR is an unforgettable journey through the wild west.
You may think RDR is GTA IV with horses but you are completely wrong .
There are some similarities like cover system and target system but red dead has
everything that a different game from gta 4 needs.
Story is pretty cool and characters are really memorable specially the main guy
John Marston .John was working for a gang a long time ago but now for saving his family and farm from the government he has to kill all of his friends in the gang. The
story may be a little simple in the first of the game but when you get in the game you can not put the controller down till the end and the ending that is waiting for you there is outstanding and defiantly unforgettable one. One of the things that make story pretty top notch is the superb cast of memorable characters. You meet a lot of guys in the game but all of them are completely different from others. John is the best and a very likeable character. Let s first talk about the sound design. The sound is pretty good and the music will get you deep in the wild west. Character sounds are cool too and they talk awesome dialogues
RDR is easily one of the best looking games of this year too. Characters look cool and their faces and clothes are full of objects . The really big world of red dead(that contains Mexico city and Texas ) is also very alive and well designed . Draw distance is great too but the rain and snow are the things that makes red dead looks even more awesome. Although the game has some bugs too but they are nothing in comparison with this awesome looking game.
Gameplay of RDR is great. The variety of the main missions are fantastic and the side missions(contains millions of different missions from very exciting bounty hunting missions to night watching missions) are enjoyable too. There are a lot of shops in the game but unlike GTA games a lot of clothes will open after playing a lot of sub missions .This is good and fun but for the players that just like to play main missions isn't exciting . The weapons are good . You have a pistol, a rifle, a sniper,some knives and some grenades and molotovs and a rope. The rope is awesome because it makes a new way (except killing) for defeating enemies and if you capture an alive enemy in a bounty hunting mission you will get more money .The horses of red dead are the best horses I seen in any video game . Maybe they have not the variety of cars in GTA series but the three groups of horses (one star ,two star and three star ) have enough variety .You can ride on wild horses too that contains a fun mini game.
With all of these new things red dead redemption is easily one of the best western and open world games of the decade.
Final Score:9.5/10