The best Gun-Slinger game of our time.

User Rating: 10 | Red Dead Revolver XBOX
I was skeptical that this game would pull off what it claimed to be, given the poor performance of Gun. Yes I know Gun was made later - in fact I think Gun ripped off Red Dead Revolver.

Red Dead Revolver (RDR) is a superbly immersive cowboys and itchy-bums arcade shooter fest. There is some town trading stuff but if mainly serves the purpose of setting up some excitement for the next battle as everyone in town knows of the mission on which you are about to embark.

Parental Warning : some of the violence in RDR is realistic and strong because of it's context. For example a dog (which I think is a family dog) follows you around early in the game, which meets an abrupt and cruel demise. This sort of violence may upset younger players - it certainly upset me as a father.

You buy guns from the gun trader (well duh!) and everything else you buy unlocks journal pages or deathmatch characters. Head off to the Sheriffs office to start your next mission.

I haven't completed RDR yet, so I suspect I maybe moving on from the current town a bit later.

The bad guys are colourful and deadly. One of my favourite quotes from a female antagonist (erm... enemy) was "You're good, but I'm baaaad!". The big fat bastard with a bandoleer of dynamic also caught my attention.

The gun slinger has a bullet-time / matrix / focus element allowing you to slow time and fire six bullets in one quick shot into an enemy (or two or three) and they have a really cool quick-draw mode, where you have to pull back on the joystick, to draw your gun, push forward to point and then you have to target the enemy in bullet-time by way of a wavering cursor - do it right and time speeds up to show you gunning down the bad guy (or two or three).

Another cool thing is the graphics. There's a great bloom filter to burn out the sun reflecting off surfaces. There's also convergence of rays, so people further away drop out of focus, and close up, come into focus. The strong lighting, bloom filter and focus make it look very realistic.

Great game, great game, great GAME! This game got game :-)

Buy it now! Rockstar Games you rock my world.