Red Dead Revolver

User Rating: 7.5 | Red Dead Revolver XBOX
This was those kind of pretty good western games. It has glitches though, i have to tell you that. A lot of XBOX games have glitches. It's nothing unusual. Nothing compared to how many glitches there is in Advent Rising. Anway, the story focuses on a kid who grew up with his cowboy dad and his mom. They had a nice and happy life until the day when Governor Griffin's guys came and killed his family. Now, all he has is himself and the strongest gun in the west which belonged to his dad. Now, he must avenge his family and hunt down Governor Griffin. Troughout the game, you will be able to play as different characters including Jack Swift, Shadow Wolf, a buffalo soldier, General Diego and more. This game is rated M and is pretty bloody and violent. No swearing in the game though. Anyway, this game was just like Gun. If you like western games, then you should try out this game. Anyway, that's all.