User Rating: 9.1 | Red Dead Revolver XBOX
Do you have an old worn out copy of "The Good, the Bad and the Ugly" on VHS lay’n around your house? If so, you'll absolutely love this game! I just finished completing the game and am also about a third of the way through on the hard level of the game. The game itself is designed to play out and look much like an old spaghetti western. I thought it was done very well in this fashion to. As mentioned previously, there is some odd blurs here and there but you really shouldn’t notice it much as it is usually for characters that are in the background, etc. No biggy for me anyways. Other then that, I thought all the visuals where top notch and done with great style (style as in spaghetti western style). Absolutely loved how the game visually played out. The music was great! Definitely a throw back although I didn’t really pay much attention to the music as much while I was playing of course, the most memorable is the theme playing when your wandering through the options, etc. All of the other sounds seemed great to me, no real issues or annoyances I could notice there. I was really surprised at all the interesting scenarios that this game throws at you. It was great! You can even ride bulls & horses, a lot of fun! Only wish there was more of that in the game, and that it would have allowed for that in the multiplayer levels. You’ll find yourself defending trains, attacking trains, defending wagons and etc. That and some great levels that are practically ripped right out from “The Good, the Bad and the Ugly”. The mechanics where right on IMO. Once you get familiar with them, they quickly become second nature and work well to make the feel of the game very on the fly and fast pace, like a gunslinger should be. The bullet time abilities are slick, allowing you to place multiple shots on one or several enemies. I also liked the quickdraw mechanism in the game, except for how tricky it gets against the tough opponents. I think that is one area that could use some more tweaking. It can be very frustrating trying to place your shots when the tough opponents are so infallibly quick. Aiming is not made an exact science, and I think rightfully so for this game. You don’t have to be perfect to score good hits. I also noticed that on long shots (like when using your rifle) you can actually see your bullet flying towards your target. Oh, and if you do get this game, you can zoom in with your rifle! Unfortunately I didn’t figure this part out till after I had beat the game! LOL It’s the black button on your controller. The zoom is just that, a zoom, not a scope. I like the way it was done, it allowed me to be maneuverable and still use it. After you have completed the game on regular level you unlock a Bounty Hunter set of game play that gives you certain hard goals to accomplish for a given level. Basically replaying the game but with a demanding rule that makes it a lot harder. Like completing a level without getting hit once. I really haven’t done much in the multi-player yet as my kids tend to not like playing deathmatch style games with me.  Which is why I really wished this game would have had a co-op side. I can see how some of the levels would have been difficult to pull off in co-op though. Still, I have been playing the multiplayer team deathmatch with my kids on my team and AI on the opposing. That has been fun. They have 3 flavors of what is essentially deathmatch. One really nice thing about the multiplayer is that you have a HUGE assortment of characters to choose from. All with their own special abilities, some overlap but with so many characters there are plenty to choose from with different skills. The hard level has been fun so far, doing even better then my first time around because I have gotten my gun fighting abilities down. Of course the replay value is not as strong but I’m still enjoying it because I really enjoy gunning down bad guys! You can beat the game in a weekend easily (I did) so I would definitely at least rent it. However, if you’re a western buff like me, you might want to add this one to your collection because you’ll want to be putting hundreds & hundreds of bad guys into an early grave!