Great physics engine but no value for money, no thought process went in toward the making of red faction armageddon

User Rating: 7.5 | Red Faction: Armageddon PS3
Red faction armageddon your role as son of the formally known masons must stop"hail" the nemesis of masons and the prolonging future of mars

Hail formally known as son of a "edf" soldier who died due masons, this results in hail seeking revenge on what happened.

Masons date back over 200 years, between that time most masons were revolutionary's excavating the red planet as a "red faction" member "edf" have always had control over the resources on mars this became a rule that no citizen of mars should tolerate as their fate, as they stood up to save mars many questions went unanswered as to the mysteries that occurred on this predating red planet. Game play: 3rd person shooter that revolves around destruction and chaos variation of guns that become available later at your disposal, while theirs a fare bit of destruction the story on the other hand tends to become very straight forward in linear perspective, while everything may seem destructible the story takes that element away big time. You will encounter drivable armored vehicles and flying vehicles in linear sense of direction.

The (ai) may seem bit easy but they do however challenge you when over run.

Graphics: While previous red factions may have had bland exfactor, armageddon looks very polished. the amount of detail each creature posses is refreshing, cut scenes look scrisp, weather effects may play less of a role they do how ever look nice. lighting effects may look scripted, their seems to be no ambient light detection where a light source that's glaring towards an object destroyed in some small areas becomes scripted making it less dynamic. where in horror games a door opens and the light shinning towards that door object shifts altering the perspective that the lights now shifted in new direction till the door becomes closed. Sound:
Depending on what your're using as hardware speakers headphones the quality, these sounds are so refined each creature disorientates you to the sense that knowing tends to result in confusion. quick answer look up.

Consists of 2 modes (extermination)and(ruins)

Extermination requires 4 players to survive each wave or defend each wave consisting upwards towards 30 waves, each wave is not mandatory and their are 4 difficulty levels, casual, normal, hard, insane, insane is actually hard on multiplayer, but strangely story mode insane is actually set to normal beats me.
Ruins is a time trial based mode where you must reach a certain level of destruction for playing this mode you must have a subscription code allowing you to play, or purchased as individually from marketplace/sonystore while not entering the code results in the mode becoming classed as a ever playing this game mode will result in no achievements being earned since there's non for this type of game mode. Pros:Great amount of destruction,interesting guns, like the unicorn pony that shoots magical beams, vortex gun that sucks in enemies, detailed graphics, interesting (ai) extermination mode has plenty of maps then what you would get in usual versus match very odd, best physics engine that really pushes,collecting audio logs feels rewarding then repetitive as each you capture can be captured again if restarting a new game, unsure if this is a glitch but refreshing,

Cons:Creatures become linear no variation creatures to fight when playing multiplayer, story mode has less substance but larger waves on screen compared to multiplayer while making it a single player mission and not coop very odd, no achievements linked towards destruction, very odd, While extermination has huge variety of maps to play non really offer interest, no versus nothing, previous red faction was value for money this how ever isn't value for money, physics engine seems underrated in this game as in less concepts went in then what came out.

Final thoughts: Overall previous red faction seems to shine strongly in this department then armadeggon, armageddon is no value for money, in-fact this game has gone reverse selling what you don't want at a rediculous price it's 40$ game for me not a full price game.

Final thoughts: When playing for achievements start the game from insane mode=normal mode it's not hard,

Audio logs you collect when finished restart on casual then collect the remaining.and you will have the achievement most are not in specific locations some will count even when restarting the game,

Extermination mode requires 1 out of 30 wave do this on casual, insane hard, medium, makes no difference, or ask a friend to do wave 30 pass it and presto "achievement" each level requires 5 waves to pass before the next levels unlocked not 10 or 20,

You need 25.000 scrap metal pieces to unlock achievement, very straight forward, To buy cheat achievement you must finish the game to unlock new game plus,

To get revive achievement play a game mode on insane, then presto 25 revive achievement,