Have a taste for destruction? Here's the perfect game for you.

User Rating: 8.5 | Red Faction: Guerrilla X360
The original Red Faction is quite possibly one of my favorite shooters of all time. Just when I thought that THQ abandoned the series after 2, out comes Red Faction Guerrilla with many destructible buildings and other man made objects at your disposal.

The story takes place about 50 years after the first Red Faction. The EDF is in charge of all six sectors on the planet but they treat their miners and citizens brutally. Mason comes to Mars for honest work but after the EDF find and kill his brother, he ends up joining the new Red Faction, a rebel force currently at war with the EDF to free the planet.

One of the game's main strong points is the destruction. Anything man made like buildings, vehicles, towers, etc. can be destroyed. You'll start out with just a sledge hammer but that alone is one of the best weapons used to destroy everything in your path. You'll get other weapons that will help you complete your missions and destroy everything as you progress like mines, the nano rifle (melts everything around it, and is my personal favorite), an assault rifle, rocket launchers. Once you destroy certain buildings or vehicles, you can collect the salvage peices that they leave behind, which you will desperately need to purchase new weapons, or even upgrade those that you already have.

Although destruction is a big part of this game, the shooting aspect in the game feels just right too, especially when there's so many weapons to choose from (although you can only carry 3 weapons + sledge hammer) and the driving portions are solid. The main missions themselves are pretty fun but some of the side missions can get kind of repetitive. They include stealing vehicles, rescuing hostages, defending buildings, attacking buildings and maybe a few more but you have to do them more than once as you move to each section.

The world of Mars is one huge open world where you can go anywhere at any time and it looks great but there isn't too much to see. To beat the game, you must liberate all 6 sectors on Mars which can take you up to 15 hours or so to complete. You must lower the EDF's control buy killing them or simply by completing missions (main missions are required) which will also increase morality in the civilians. When high enough, morality can give you more ammo from crates and other guerrillas can help you when you're in a tight situation with the EDF. Although getting in big trouble with the EDF is quite fun and tempting, don't expect a walk in the park, this game can actually get quite challenging.

Multiplayer is online and from what I hear, it can also be quite fun. I haven't played it online yet so I can't say too much more right now.

Although it can get repetitive at times, Red Faction Guerrilla is a great game if you want a bit of a challenge or if you have a taste of destruction. I think I can safely say that this is some of the best destruction in any game. RFG will keep you busy with it's long, challenging and involved campaign as well as it's wide selection of vehicles and chaos.