Over hyped single player... Addictive multiplayer

User Rating: 8 | Red Faction: Guerrilla PS3
I feel cheated with this game, because it has been over hyped aton the reason i haven't give it a 7 is because the online play is so addictive (i know i rant about online player being in each game but sometimes it works).

The story... what story? there just isn't one you get a little bit at the start then after that there isn't one at all you get one or two videos but they are close together game spot said it can take you 12 - 15 hours to complete this game... if you play with one hand! it is rather short in my eyes i've played for 8 hours and done nearly all the side missions and i'm up to the last sector... unless there's abit after that i don't know. The main character doesn't have a backstory he says like one line about his past at the start but that's not enough you don't really conect with him at this point.

The map is the biggest let down, you see the size of the map and you think "WOW look of that i can explore and destroy" you can only access like 65% of the map the other 35% is just rock that you can't get near the driving gets really dry because you do have to do alot of driving the diffrent types of cars is good enough, it's just abit clunky and buggy at times i've got stuck in structures and then out of no where my car would fly forward or back at break neck speeds.

The center peace of the game is fantastic :D even right near the end blowing things apart is fun, but after the first few sections you just start doing things the same way of blowing bulidings away, still looks fantastic and online that doesn't change at all still fluent most of the time, just the odd lag spike for me.

Online is almost lag free, the only part that gets on my nerves is the sledgehammer you can smack a building with and it won't register for a second or 2 it is noticeable but not that bad to distract you, you'll be running around swinging like a mad man so that you don't die. The back packs are really well done nice balance of the diffrent types, personally i like using the stealth pack and sneaking up on the enermy and smashing them with a sledgehammer feels soooooo good. Nice range of modes enough to keep most people happy, the amount of wepons online is good a few weapons are missing i think but i don't care the ones that matter are there. You can't create your own character you have pre created ones based on the characters in game which is fine, but you can customise your badge and you get diffrent sledgehammers including one just for kicks but you'll have to buy it to find out.

I am just disapointed because i was expecting more, you don't spend alot of time getting to know any of the characters, you don't drive many walkers when you do you just don't want to get out of them the whole is game is almost lag free, it's just the lack of story and how bland the driving gets.

I do recommend to fans of the Geo Mod and people who love blowing stuff up plus blowing other players away you can't miss the fun :-)

Thanks for reading