Such potential to be a great game.
Ok, enough ranting on destruction, lets move on. It's a fun game but when I hit too many reality fizzlers, I get turned off real quick. Like invisible walls, hate em, and they are present. Why give me a jetpack leading me to believe I am able to take a shortcut over a mountain range, when blam, invisible wall. The programmers could have easily made it graphically look impossible instead of having these nasty invis barriers.
Marauders, very cool and reminicent of Sandmen aka Tuskan raiders, but I was hoping for the odd ambush via roadside bombs or makeshift roadblocks, but even they just seem to do what all the enemies do, just spawn out of nowhere.
When my safehouse location was attacked, and I lost, I assumed I would have to retake it when I chose continue, but nope, not under EDF control. The game would have lasted longer if I hade to reclaim areas I've lost.
So the point of my ranting about lack of reality is that it makes the game not feel organic. It just feels like everything is just spawned as they see fit, and the programmers didn't put much love in it. Leading me to believe it's just lazy programming.
The online multiplayer is a trip, although matchmaking needs some tweaking, but even that gets tired after a while. And the population doesn't seem to be there, and even the match numbers aren't very high at all. I suppose I was hoping for a tribeesque kind of experience.
I apologize for more of a rant than a review, but I needed to vent. This game could have been awesome, but fell way short due to these factors.