In depth review for Red Faction: Guerrilla.

User Rating: 8.5 | Red Faction: Guerrilla PS3
Mason is a prospector with a shadowy past who has arrived on Mars to make a fresh start. Shortly after touching down on the terraforming red planet, he is told by his brother that the Earth Defence Force (EDF), who were the heroes in this video game franchise's earlier instalments, are running Mars like a police state. Prospectors are being pushed off their claims, rounded up and enslaved and, in some cases, killed on the spot. After an EDF gunship murders his brother right in front of him, Mason joins up with the Red Faction, and sets out to liberate Mars one explosion at a time.

The action takes place on a massive open-world map divided into six distinct regions and the aim of the game's campaign is to drive the EDF out of each territory by weakening their control. This is accomplished through successfully completing story missions and side-quests, and by blowing up EDF installations that are dotted around the map. Once the EDF's presence in a region has been successfully weakened, a final mission opens up in which the players gain the opportunity to drive them out of the area completely. It's worth pointing out at this stage, that the gameplay in Red Faction: Guerrilla is built on an overfamiliar template that has become commonplace in open-world third-person-shooters. Players spend an awful lot of time trundling around the game's map, stopping at mission points and activating quests or mini-games. The freedom is amazing, and wandering around the rocky planet is exciting, as bullets wage past you, and you dodge every incoming attack. As tiresome as it is to use Rockstar's flagship franchise to describe any number of sandbox games, it's becoming equally repeative, although fun to play title after title in which the core gameplay can be boiled down to get a vehicle, drive here, do this, repeat. This is made a little more annoying by the fact that there are relatively few story missions in Red Faction: Guerrilla (when compared to other sandbox games) and the side-quests can get very repetitive, but they are mostly fun. Admittedly, storming an EDF base with some Red Faction comrades or reducing buildings to rubble with a car mounted cannon is absolutly amazing. But attacking convoys, rescuing hostages and driving a vehicle from one end of the map to another starts feeling like a chore after a while. Also, unlike other sandbox games in which side-quests are optional, some of the side-quests in Red Faction: Guerrilla are mandatory in order to open up new parts of the map. The mini-games, however, are immense fun, as I said earlier. Although they all involve razing structures in one way or another, most are fiendishly well-designed and because they offer different awards based on your performance, you're always tempted to give them one more try before moving on. In fact, the mini-games are probably more fun to play because they make better use of the game's core appeal; the ability to blow things up. This part of the gameplay is easily the best thing about Red Faction: Guerrilla and the game benefits further from the superb Geo-Mod 2 engine which is based on real world physics. This means, that while players can destroy every single building and structure in the game, it isn't as simple as throwing a charge on a wall and pressing the detonator. Players will find that targeting supporting walls, buttresses and supporting columns will bring a structure down faster than simply firing a rocket at the same wall over and over again. Their destructive efforts can also be helped with the tactical placement of gas canisters which can help produce a bigger explosion. This ensures that each attack on a building provides a unique experience, as no two structures will ever be destroyed in exactly the same way. As the game progresses, Mason's arsenal becomes more and more brutal. He starts the game with a rifle, a couple of remote charges and a hammer – which it has to be said, can knock through concrete as if it were cardboard. As things continue, players accumulate salvage from blast sites (which serves as the currency of Mars) which they can spend on new weapons, armour and upgrades. The game offers some fairly standard hardware (like the rocket launcher and a variety of rifles) which are complemented by a couple of pretty outlandish weapons, such as the Nano Rifle which vaporises anything its projectiles hit. Aside from using weapons to obliterate structures, Mason can also use any road vehicle on Mars to bring down a building; a garbage truck hurtling along at high speed can do more damage to an EDF checkpoint than a couple of charges.

However, while Mason is effectively a one-man wrecking crew, he certainly isn't a one-man army, and although demolishing buildings is immense fun, it usually leads to the EDF descending on the player in droves. When this happens, they're advised to leg it because while Mason's weaponry can cause immense damage, the sheer number of EDF soldiers that will respond to any attack is enough to ensure certain death in a firefight that lasts more than a couple of minutes. To make matters worse, the EDF usually arrive in tanks, heavily armed transports and on occasion they call in air support. There will be times when members of the Red Faction arrive to help Mason, but they're usually no match for the EDF and are quickly dispatched. This in turn drives down morale within the Red Faction, another feature players have to keep an eye on – which in turn ensures the necessity of completing more tedious side missions in order to progress through the game. Morale can also be hit by collateral damage which players may find a struggle to keep to a minimum, given that some EDF installations have settlers wandering around in them. However, the game's varied arsenal makes the game fun to play. And the games amazing graphics and destructiblility make the game, overall a fun presentation of what war really is. It's a shame the same can't be said about the campaign's plot. Aside from a mission involving the interrogation of an EDF commander which conveys just how easily the oppressed can mirror the ugliness and brutality of their oppressors, the story in Red Faction: Guerrilla has the dramatic heft of thin air. There are very few cut-scenes in the game and Mason's interaction with most of the main characters mostly involves them yelling orders at him over the radio. The EDF also lacks a centralised figurehead which could have provided the game with a much-needed nemesis. Aside from the story concerns, the game's graphics are appealing if a little unpolished and the soundtrack, particularly the ambient score, is excellent.

In the end, however, nearly everything in Red Faction: Guerrilla seems to exist as a support system for the game's main draw, which as has been noted at length, is to have something on screen explode as often as possible. The game's chief appeal really is wrapped up in Alec Mason's capacity for devastation and whether or not the endless opportunities to cause widespread mayhem (albeit in a good cause) are worth slogging through some of the game's drawbacks is down to the appetite for destruction of each individual player. Those who demand in-depth plots, revolutionary gameplay and a twist around every corner won't have much use for Red Faction: Guerrilla. But if you enjoy blowing things up, looking at great visuals, have a strong musical sense and like a challenge, this well may be one of the best video games ever made.

Graphics: 5/5
Gameplay: 4/5
Sound: 5/5
Controls: 5/5
Story: 3/5
Characters: 3/5
Online: N/A
Replay Value: 5/5