Rock solid open-world shooter that gives you a real sense of what it means to revolt!

User Rating: 8.5 | Red Faction: Guerrilla X360
I remember playing the original Red Faction on my old Xbox and remember loving every minute of it. Fighting on Mars as a miner certainly brought flashbacks of the movie "Total Recall" to mind as I revolted against an oppressive force.

Once again in Red Faction: Guerrilla you're put into a situation to fight against an oppressive force, the Earth Defense Force (EDF). Originally deployed on Mars to serve as a protective entity for the civilians against the native "marauders", they soon start to terrorize the very citizens they're protecting.

The game has many high points that include a very integrated open-world game. No longer do you have to stick to the main mission as in the original Red Faction. This time you can do what you basically want.

Since the EDF is a powerful military force, attacking them head on is idiotic and will only get you killed. However, as the name suggests, you do hit 'n run tactics..or guerrilla actions. Whether that involves taking out high priority targets (EDF bases/strongholds, bridges, power stations), rescuing captured civilians, or intercepting sensitive EDF information, these actions eventually undermine the control the EDF maintains in the several sectors of the colony on Mars.

The ultimate goal is to liberate each sector of Mars controlled by the EDF by reducing their control in each sector to zero and elevating the morale of the local population to 100. The higher the morale, the more likely civilians will take up arms against the EDF and fight along side you. Also, the higher the morale in a sector you will discover numerous "ammo chests" that civilians will leave for you to reload ammo for your weapons.

Beware! Taking out these high priority targets does not come without reprisal as the EDF will send everything but the kitchen sink at you.

The game employs an innovative way of destroying almost anything in the environment. The iconic sledgehammer is the ultimate weapon of destruction as it gives you a weapon to destroy almost anything in the game in pursuit of "salvage". This is the only form or currency for you since the EDF controls all trading in the region.

Salvage is basically scrap metals that are acquired in a variety of ways: destroying EDF and civilian buildings, destroying wrecked vehicles, and mining ore deposits. As you acquire these salvage parts throughout the game you can upgrade weapons, obtain armor, and increase bomb loads in your various rebel base camps located throughout Mars.

Taking out hardened targets such as bunkers and other high priority targets makes you use your imagination. You can do the direct approach and drive the vehicle you are in straight into the building or you can be stealthy and strategically place bombs in weak parts of the building.

The enjoyable part of the placing bombs on the building is that you can activate a chain reaction by detonating those bombs in the order you placed them. You can get to a safe distance and survey the damage. Either way will give you a lot of fun.

Overall, the game allows for a great sense of open world destruction and chaos. However, the storyline can get somewhat stale and repetitive by basically forcing you to just destroy this target and get out the area before the EDF sends reinforcements.

If you can get past doing these missions, the game still offers a world of solid gaming.