A fun destructive free roaming game to play worth buying.
User Rating: 8.5 | Red Faction: Guerrilla X360
Red Faction Guerrilla 3rd sequel to the previous games. The first game was one of my all time favorites, the second one **** but Red Faction Guerrilla was a very interesting game. New weapons more destructive and the way you can free roam is great. Some missions could be better instead of clearing out each town every time that was one problem, but being able to blow anything up made the game more playable. For people who hadn't played the first two games and love destructive games than this is a great game to play. Storyline wasn't bad but it wasn't that terrific either and I wish it had some more gameplay with the aliens in it. Mainly you go through the whole game clearing cities of mars you do 3 Major missions in each city and the rest are like, defend the area, time missions, and missions were you just destroy everything. The online experience is fun to play. Your friends in a building fighting and you just blow it up yer I could play for hours. overall a good destructive game to play.