Save-game system TOTALLY SUCKS, even for a checkpoint save system!
Suffice it to say I am NOT a fan of the console-rooted checkpoint save approach. I tried playing this game on several different occasions, only to have to replay major areas over again each time I restarted the game. This is, to say the least, annoyingly frustrating, especially when your game-playing time is restricted to short bursts and is likely to be interrupted at any time.
RF 1 was a JOY to play - I could save my game at a moment's notice, leave, and return to the game a few hours, days, or even weeks later to either pick up exactly from where I had left off or select an earlier save to catch up on something I may have forgotten about.
Unless I can find a patch or a game modification that will allow "regular" saves, I fear that this game will be banished to the back of a lower shelf ijn my game room.
I am about to check out the new RF 3 (Guerrilla) to see if THAT game has been ruined as well... I certainly hope not!!!